Saturday, April 30, 2011

Morning Gilds the Skies

When morning gilds the skies, my heart, awaking, cries. "May Jesus Christ be praised!"

When I lifted my head from the pillow a half hour ago, I could see light streaming through the slats in my miniblinds. That light has been sorely missed for the past many months. As a California girl, the apalling greyness of the skies here in Washington tends to leave me feeling physically ill. What a beautiful exception is this morning!

Years past, when our neighbors kept us up to all hours with their 'wild parties', I'd be tempted to serenade them from my garden at 8am with the hymn quoted above, but having a child helped them to settle down admirably; our sleep isn't often disturbed these days. I'm still tempted. Nothing is more satisfying than belting out this song in the thin morning air with golden light falling upon your face; the rarified air lifts the voice like a trumpet, biting and pure. However, I know God and I will be the only two who appreciate it at that time of day and I've learned a bit about compassion and grace over the years.

It's going to be a beautiful day, God willing. There's a bit of high fog that needs burning off, but the sun shows intention of doing so swiftly, so I anticipate many satisfying hours of bicycling with Derek and digging around in my garden. I'll take lots of pictures so I can share them later. God bless you today!

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